Add Topic to Conversation

Topics are handy when you need to discuss a specific subject or project, or you need to come back to the conversation on regular basis with certain people.

  1. To create a Topic, please click on the ‘#’ button in the top right corner.

    You can also rename the Conversation that you are currently in. By that you create a new Topic. You can do this by clicking the ‘pencil’ icon at the top of the Conversation and typing in a topic subject.

  2. In the ‘Create new Topic’ window, select users and add them to the Conversation. In the example below, you can see how to create a Topic that has ’Annual report’ as subject.

  3. Click on Create a new Topic.

  4. When the Topic is created, the Topics tab is open and the Topic is selected. In the Topics tab on the left side, you can view and search for all Topics. To view a Topic and send a message in it, just click on it.
  5. To search for Topics, just type in the subject of the Topic into the search field and hit Enter. 
    When the Topic is created, you can see two statuses. One shows that it is assigned to the Conversation. The other status shows that a new user is added to the Conversation.
  6. When you receive new messages in a Topic, the Topics tab is marked with a red dot.

Click on the Topics tab, and click on the specific Topic that is marked with a red dot. Now you can view your unread messages.

You can also right-click on Topics tab, and select 'Mark all as read'.

Rename a Topic

  1. You can rename the Topic by clicking on the Topic subject or the 'pencil' icon at the top of the screen,.
  2. Type in a new subject for the Topic and hit Enter on your keyboard. In the example below, you can see how to rename a topic to ‘Annual report 2016’.

Associate Topic to project

  1. To associate a Topic to a project, click on the  Associate button  icon on the top.  

    Associate topic to the project
  2. In the ‘Associate with project’ window, select your project (in our example ‘Example Project’).

  3. If your Topic is Issue specific, you can also select an Issue by clicking on 'Load issues' but this is optional. Click on the ‘Associate’ button.
  4. When the Topic is associated to a project, you will see a status appearing in the Conversation window. In our example, the Conversation is associated to ‘Example Project’. You can go to the details page of the specific project by clicking on the link to the project.

Additional information

  1. If you click on the ‘i’ icon at the top of the Conversation, you can view and edit information about the Topic.

  2. In ‘Additional information’ the associated project of the Topic, the Host user of the Conversation, and the associated Issue (if any exists) is displayed.

  3. You can edit this information by clicking on ‘Edit’.
  4. In the next window you can select another project to be associated.
  5. You can also load Issues from the associated project and select one to associate with the Topic. Click ‘Load Issues’ and select an Issue from the list, e.g. ‘Operating Cost Calculation’ issue. Click on 'Associate'.

  6. When the Topic is associated to an Issue, a status appears in the Conversation window. By clicking on the link to the Issue, you can go to the Issue details page. The associated Issue can also be displayed by clicking on ‘Additional information’.

Close Conversation

A Topic can be closed if it is not interesting or if it is not up-to-date anymore. Only the Host of the Topic can close it. In this case, it will be moved to the bottom of the list, below the open Topics. The Participants of the Conversation can still view the Topic, but it will be read-only to the Participants. The Host can reopen the Topic again if necessary.

  1. To close a Topic, right-click on the Topic in the ‘Topics’ tab and select ‘Close Conversation’.

  2. The Conversation is being moved below the open Topics. The symbol of the closed Conversation is changing from ‘#’ to ‘lock’ symbol.
  3. A status about closing the Topic appears in the Conversation window.

  4. Participants can only read the Conversation, but cannot send new messages. The text editor is disabled to the Participants.

Reopen Conversation

The Host of the Conversation can reopen the Conversation at any time if required.

  1. To reopen a Conversation, just right-click on the closed Conversation, and select ‘Reopen Conversation’. Also, the Host can reopen a closed Conversation by typing in a message into the text editor and sending it.

  2. The Conversation is moved to the top of the Topics list. The icon of the Conversation is changed from ‘lock’ to ‘#’ symbol.

    The status about resuming the Conversation appears in the Conversation.
  3. The textbox is available again to all Participants.