Close Conversation

The Host user can close the Topic. When a Meeting (‘#M’ symbol) is being saved, it is being closed automatically, and the users are disabled to post messages in that Meeting. The ‘Close conversation’ action is not available for Meetings. Meetings can be only saved once, and cannot be reopoened. However, in a Topic, the Host can close the conversation and disable for the users to post new messages. The only difference is, that the Host can Reopen the Topic. Topics are not closed automatically after being saved.

  1. To close a conversation, please right-click on the Topic, and select ’Close Conversation’. The symbol of the Topic is changing from ’#’ to ’padlock', and it will be put to the bottom of the 'Topics' tab below open Topics.

  2. To reopen a Topic, please right-click on a closed Topic you are the Host of, and select ’Reopen Conversation’. The Host can reopen the Topic also by posting a new message.