Create Traceability Matrix

  1. In the Traceability Matrix Module, click on the “+New TM”.

  2. In the “Create Traceability Matrix” window, define the name of your Traceability Matrix and connect it with created projects (optional).

    If you want to create a linked Risk Assessment in the Risk Management Module, check the “Create Risk” check-box. This will create a risk assessment group with the same name as your Traceability Matrix and it will contain all requirements you define in the matrix. Please note, to be able to use this option, Traceability Matrix needs to be linked with a project.

    Since each project starts with requirements, the “Requirement specification” column is automatically created and cannot be deleted.

    To define other Traceability Matrix columns, add its name and click on the "+" button.

    When you have filled in all the required fields and added the columns you want, click Create.

  3. Appoint mouse on ‘three dots’ next to the column name and ‘Column settings’ button will appear.Column settings

    In the "Column settings" window, the user can change the Column name, Default Project.

    traceability settings column

    NAME: Field is automatically filled with the name defined while adding Traceability Matrix columns, but you can change column name here if it is needed.

    DEFAULT PROJECT: You can set a Default project for every column. So when you create a new item in that column, the project that you select will be selected as your default project.

  4. Next to the “Column settings” button for the “Requirement specification” column is the “+” button. A User can add sub-requirements related to the main requirement. The user can add a max of 9 sub-requirements columns.

    Add subrequirement

    Next to each sub-requirement column, there is a "+" button, for adding another.
    The “Column settings” button is available for sub-requirements columns as well. The user can delete sub-requirements columns.

    traceability matrix add sub-requirement

    Please note, a user can delete sub-requirements columns started from the last one. The Sub-requirement column can be erased if it is empty.

    Delete sub requirement column
  5. To edit Traceability Matrix, click on the ‘Edit Matrix’ button. Edit Matrix

    In the "Edit Traceability Matrix" window, the user can change the name of a Matrix, user can edit the column name by clicking on the ‘pencil’ button or delete the column by clicking on the "x" button. A new column can be added as well. Columns can be re-ordered dragging three dots on the left side to a new position.

    Edit Traceability matrix

    Please note, if items are added to Matrix columns, the user cannot delete them.

  6. To find the Matrix location under the Storage click on the “Reveal in Storage”. 

    Please note, if the Matrix is related to a certain project, the matrix folder can be found under the specific project folder (for example, Project/XYZproject/matrices/Traceability matrix 1)

    If the Matrix is not project related, it can be found under the root project folder,
    under the “matrices” subfolder (for example, Project/matrices/Traceability matrix1).

  7. To preview the history of the Matrix changes, click on the “Matrix changelog”.

  8. The Traceability Matrix is now a multi-user. It means that more than one team member can work in the same matrix. But, on the specific item, only one user can work on it. That item would be locked for other users. In some cases (for example, unappropriated browser shut), the item can remain locked that will prevent users from working on it. Use the “Matrix locks” function to unlock it and continue unobstructed work.

  9. Click on the "pencil" button to add a column description. pencil button
    In the "Update description" window enter column explanation.

    Traceability - column description