Recent Conversations

Your latest Conversations are displayed in the ‘Recent’ tab. When you receive a new message, the ‘Recent’ tab is marked with a red dot. When you open the 'Recent' tab, all of the Conversations are listed in order, and all your unread incoming messages are marked with a red dot. Your Recent Conversations are also displayed on your Dashboard.

When someone sends you a message, a notification appears in the top-right corner of the window with the message inside, no matter which module of qmsWrapper are you using currently.

You can mark your Conversations ‘unread’ by right-clicking on the Conversation in the ‘Recent’ or ‘Topics’ tab and selecting ‘Mark as Unread’ from the context menu. You can mark any Conversation ‘unread’ except the one that is currently open.

Unread Conversations are marked with a red dot.

When you open the unread Conversation, you can see that the last message from the sender is unread. There is a small red dot next to the last message for a couple of seconds before it disappears. From there on, the message is marked ‘read’.