Creating Projects

  1. To create a project, you need to be an Administrator or a Project Manager (Administrator or Project Manager user right enabled by your user account).
    In the example below, we are going to create a new project, with an Administrator user (in our example ’John Smith’).
  2. Please click on 'Project' in the sidebar on the left side to go to the Project Management module.
  3. Click on '+Create Project' on the top.

    The wizard helps you to set up your project in the quickest possible way. All you need to do is to complete 6 steps.

    Project wizard

  4. In the 'Project information' step, please fill out the following fields: Name, Identifier, Folder Structure, and as an optional fields Sub-project of, and Description.
    The project name and the project identifier need to be unique in your qmsWrapper instance. Please note, that the "PXXXXXXXXX" (X - numbers only) identifier format is reserved for private projects. For example, it's not available to create a project with the identifier 'P00001' outside your private project. However, it's available to create a project with the identifier 'PP0001'.


    If you wish the new project to be a subproject of another project, you can select the parent project in the 'Sub-project of' drop-down list.
    By choosing one of the offered Folder Structures, you create folders in Storage that correspond to the proposals and requirements of regulatory bodies. You can see which folders you will create in Storage by clicking on the question mark next to the structure. If you do not want any of the structures offered, select "No folder structure".
    Click Next to go to the next step.
    To cancel setting up the project, click on the 'X' button in the top-right corner of the wizard.

    Project information

  5. In the 'Issue types' step, we are going to associate issue types with the new project. By default, the Meeting issue type is always available. Select the issue types you wish to associate from the left side and click the arrow pointing to the right. You can also add all issue types with the double-arrow button. Click Next.

    Issue types

  6. In the 'Members' step, we are going to select members to assign them to project roles.
    Under 'Roles', we see the project role names and the number of assigned members. Please select a role.
    Under Non-members of the role, we can search and select users for the role. Please select a user and click on the 'arrow' pointing to the right. You can add all users with the double-arrow button.
    Each role needs to have at least one member to proceed to the next step. If you skip this step, all 4 roles will be assigned to the creator user. In the example below, we are going to assign ‘John Smith’ to the role of PTO (Project Technical Officer).
    The project creator gets the Manager role automatically if no users are assigned to the Manager role.


    Reporter – Users with the Reporter roles are allowed to manage only the basic functions and basic Issue Workflow. A Reporter is not able to manage a project, they cannot control Project Settings, nor the My Team functions, nor Processes. A Reporter user cannot be assigned as a Project Lead (Project Owner). 
    Developer – Users with the Developer role have the same basic functions as Reporters. Developer users can change more Statuses in Issues, but a Developer user can’t manage a project. They cannot control Project Settings, nor the My Team functions, nor Processes. A Developer cannot be assigned as a Project Owner of a project.
    PTO (Project Technical Officer) - Users with PTO roles can manage Project Settings, Processes, they can be assigned as Project Lead, but can’t control the My Team feature. PTO users control a wider Issue Workflow.
    Manager – Users with the Manager role have full access to the Project module, they are allowed to manage both projects and teams through the My Team feature, they can control Project Settings, Processes, they can be assigned as Project Lead. Manager users have the widest Issue Workflow by default.

  7. In the 'Groups' step, we are going to select particular Groups which should be part of the project to be able to start Processes within it.
    Under ‘Groups’, we see the Groups within a company and the number of assigned members. Please, select a Group.
    Under ‘More members from group’ we see users who are part of that particular Group. Select users from a group who will be part of the.


  8. In the ‘Versions’ step, we can optionally specify different versions of the project. If you want to proceed without specifying any versions, just click Next. Otherwise, please fill out the fields and click Add version. Click Next.


  9. Almost done, but if you need to make some additional changes, click Back. To save your settings, click 'Save settings'.

  10. When the wizard saved your settings, click Finish.


Now, the new project ('Example Project') can be accessed on the Projects page.
