qmsWrapper Blog

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qmsWrapper in 2022

qmsWrapper in 2022

There is still a little time left until the end of 2022, so it is the right time to sum it up and set new goals for 2023.
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QMS Tags

QMS Tags

From now on, you don't have to think about whether all the documents and events relevant to your Audit have been prepared on time.
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qmsWrapper Notifications - included!

qmsWrapper Notifications - included!

In order to get a faster response from your team, qmsWrapper notifies the assignee of the new task with a ringtone, in addition to email notifications.
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Validation efforts

Validation efforts

If you want to use secured and reliable software, this is what you must know about QMS software validation.
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Remote audits – what are the limits?

Remote audits – what are the limits?

A virtual audit is a method of conducting an audit distantly, using electronic means such as videoconferencing, email, and telephone to acquire audit evidence.
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Benefits of remote auditing

Benefits of remote auditing

Remote audits can have many benefits in terms of efficiency, access to competencies, increased reach and risk mitigation. Check out what the benefits might be.
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