Start a Conversation

  1. Please click on the Contacts tab.
  2. Search for a user in the ’Contacts’ tab. The contact list contains all users of the company, with their avatar and status displayed. You can search for any user by scrolling down the list, or by typing their name into the search field.

  3. To start a Conversation, select a user, click into the text editor on the bottom of the page and start typing. Hit Enter to send your message.
  4. You can change the text color and format your text style (bold, italic, underline). You can insert emojis in your message, just in case you need them, and you can insert code snippets into the text.
  5. You can edit or remove any of your messages sent in the last 60 minutes. To edit your last message, just click on the ’pencil’ icon next to the textbox, or just press the ’up arrow’ button on your keyboard. You can edit the message when it appears in the text editor. To send your message, hit Enter on your keyboard. To cancel editing, hit the Esc key.

There is another simple option to edit or remove your messages. To edit your message, please right-click on the message and select ‘Edit Message’ from the context menu.

Now, the text is in the text editor again, and you can edit or copy your message. To cancel editing the text, hit the Esc key on your keyboard.

To remove your message, please right-click on the message and select ‘Remove Message’. The removed message is replaced with the 'This message has been removed!' status.

 You can see earlier messages by clicking on the green ’today’ shortcut at the top. You can select to see messages from different dates or from the beginning.

You can open a new conversation in a new tab of your browser. Right-click on a contact, Topic or Meeting, and select ‘Open in a new window’.

In the Topics and Recent tabs, not all conversations are listed, but the newer ones. If you need to see some earlier conversation, click on 'Load more' at the end of the list and the list of conversations will be automatically updated.