Implementation of processes
It’s really important to understand the system, for better understanding the processes that occur within the system. qmsWrapper is made in a way that any user should easily be able to implement a process. Each process has its scope. They have their beginning and their ending.
In the previous use case, qmsWrapper’s process approach is discussed.
Processes are identified through flowcharts, which are seen as a diagram that is used to represent a workflow. It shows the individual process steps or activities. qmsWrapper uses them to give an easy-to-understand overview of workflows that are many times complex and their interrelation of activities.
But, let’s understand how to use these processes!
Let’s start with an example: during an evaluation of some activity, you came across some flaw in a system which is in the QMS world called a non-conformance. That’s ok, you are aware you have to record it as per QMS requirements and defined SOP.
So, you will initiate the CAPA process within the created CAPA module. The CAPA process will automatically create and assign subsequent tasks defined through the flowchart.
Intuitive QMS software is offering you a guided workflow. What we mean by that is that you just have to click on the “Start” button to initiate a process, simply fill up requested fields, and follow the steps.
It’s very intuitive as the QMS processes predetermine all the essential QMS tasks so none is forgotten. Of course, you still have to perform and update the task-related work, maintaining conformity with ISO throughout.
Assigned users will receive task on its Dashboard, so they will certainly know what they need to do.
The processes-oriented system enables users to become more efficiently involved in QMS. The quality becomes everyone’s business. This ultimately leads to compliance which is not limited only to “reporting” or tracking of reports.
The team is working on their task not knowing it is a compliance matter, without adding another layer of management and bureaucracy to their daily work. This kind of approach helps you to coordinate, control, and direct your organization’s tasks and activities, to help you not only meet your customer’s quality requirements but also your regulatory and compliance requirements.
But which is most important, you will exactly know what data to record and how to complete a compliance requirement within its assigned set of tasks.
Each process triggers a QMS event that gets automatically reported in QMS Module where QMS Manager can oversee the overall progress.
To follow-up on the details about a specific process, the QMS manager just has to select it, and the qmsWrapper will show them.
There is a complete audit trail – it can be demonstrated who did what and who approved it.
The implementation of processes ensures nothing will be missed, and every step is documented, tracked, validated and approved!