Selecting suppliers is not an easy job for medical device companies. The pitfall is usually in the haste.

It is really important to find a supplier whose objectives align with yours.

Think strategically when choosing suppliers

If the responsible employee has a very short deadline to evaluate the suppliers, they tend to simply accept the first offer they get. Without proper evaluation or not taking the time to look for other potential suppliers, you may end up with something a bit different from what is expected.

One of the first things should be to inform yourself about the different medical device retailers. 

Select suppliers very carefully because the materials, parts and/or services provided by them have a significant impact on the product quality, not to mention profitability.

The best practice is to make and maintain a Supplier Quality Report with all the potential suppliers, evaluate properly and re-evaluate them on a regular basis. This will help to ensure whether the current supplier’s product is still the best for the organization.

Do not forget, Quality is key.


Cup of Joe: Select you suppliers carefully

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