Showing posts tagged with: CE Mark

Premarket approval (PMA) or notification (510k)

Premarket approval (PMA) or notification (510k)

When someone is talking about pre-market approval or notification known as 510(k), they have in mind the US market. In the EU, the concept to get to the EU market is done differently. What you need to know to apply for approval or notification will be explained here below. For better understanding, you have to know...
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Post-market surveillance (PMS) of medical devices

Post-market surveillance (PMS) of medical devices

Let’s try to clear out all the mystery that stands behind this statement. We’ll start with its definition from the previous article where we have defined basic terms in the medical device industry: Medical device manufacturers, as well as other companies involved in the distribution of devices, must follow certain requirements and regulations once devices are...
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8 things to know about CE approval process for Medical Devices

8 things to know about CE approval process for Medical Devices

As a medical device manufacturer which wants to place its product on the European market, you must be aware of all requirements to do so. Of course, one of the first things, you need to comply with Europe’s Medical Device Regulation (MDR). There are few ways to do so, and it’s known as conformity assessment routes. We...
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5 things you must know about CE Mark

5 things you must know about CE Mark

CE mark? It’s a symbol, it’s a declaration, it’s a proof, it’s validation, it’s European. As a medical device manufacturer, you are aware of the importance of FDA approval, of course, if you are in America. If you are chasing the European market, you know about the CE mark. In case you are MedDev Start-up, planning to...
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