Showing posts tagged with: customer support

qmsWrapper Recognized as a High Performer and "Loved" by Users on G2

qmsWrapper Recognized as a High Performer and "Loved" by Users on G2

We at qmsWrapper are pleased to report that, as a result of the enthusiastic comments and support from our customers, we have obtained four badges on the G2 website. These certificates prove our team's commitment and effort in producing the most effective Quality Management System software imaginable.     First, the Europe Regional Grid Report awarded us the...
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The Wetling Company’s eQMS-journey

The Wetling Company’s eQMS-journey

We live in a time of technological evolution and the medical device industry is no exception. Technology advances day-by-day. The Wetling Company, with its revolutionary new wound-healing technology, is one such example. Their mission is to ease ailments caused by chronic and acute wounds, through a patented and revolutionary wound-healing method referred to as WMCS –...
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Interview with one of qmsWrapper’s successful User

Interview with one of qmsWrapper’s successful User

qmsWrapper has many Users who have been renewing their license for several years now, showing how satisfied they are with this QMS software. qmsWrapper is intended for startups and small size companies engaged in the development of medical devices. The software is ideal for those who are switching from paper-based to eQMS without having experience with...
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qmsWrapper – Coronavirus (Covid-19) Statement

qmsWrapper – Coronavirus (Covid-19) Statement

One of qmsWrappers’s main priorities is Quality and Responsibility. As the situation with regards to the coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak is evolving rapidly, we have made certain steps following the situation. Therefore qmsWrapper has taken into consideration the effects of the COVID-19 outbreak, we have analyzed our processes and we have implemented a contingency plan in...
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Cup of Joe 32# - Good Customer Service Reduces Problems

Cup of Joe 32# - Good Customer Service Reduces Problems

Problems are always going to arise for any business no matter how hard you try to avoid them. While you can’t run a perfect business with all smooth situations, at qmsWrapper we can ensure friction doesn’t become an issue. You can always voice your challenges, we treat every issue as special, and not just another...
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