Weekly Cup of Joe #3
Whether you are freshly minted into the QMS position or you are a founder of a Startup or a product manager with a new project… your strategy requires QMS oversight.
qmsJoe is here to guide you through the plethora of information and support you with handy tips & tricks to streamline your way to compliance.
Monitor who does what with what efficiency
Productivity is all about efficiency -- doing more, faster and with less. A good quality management software can help you to get the most out of your day.
qmsWrapper gives a real-time visual overview of all user tasks - percentage done, reports and assignments. Monitor who does what with what efficiency. Instantly identify any overlaps in the work and easily reassign tasks as needed, follow the over-all productivity and keep track of milestones, QMS issues, deadlines, upcoming events, to-dos and due dates at a glance.
There are multiple views to give you different perspectives on the projects. View work by week either through a Gantt view or Roadmap, view the status of each member on task completion charts, or on the team dashboard. In Gantt view you have the opportunity to see all tasks in a 6-month period, whether in the future or in the past, so you can do an analytic overview of completed tasks or plans for the next period.
With qmsWrapper you can coordinate valuable team resources across the company, make longer period plans and anticipate potential bottlenecks way in advance. Overlapping tasks can be seen, so you can act before the problem of overtasking occurs and avoid project delays.
With qmsWrapper you can maintain Strategic Focus and agile response to the goals and objectives to be achieved.
Cup of Joe #48 – qmsWrapper: messaging from home
Coronavirus Measures: How qmsWrapper feature helps you stay at "work" from home
4 steps how to carry out RCA