Showing posts tagged with: document management

Top Documentation Pain Points Solved With DM Software

Top Documentation Pain Points Solved With DM Software

Today’s businesses are up against more challenges than ever in the past. While some businesses think they don’t need to move away from paper, getting started with this practice has never been so crucial. Document management software makes it easy for businesses to combine paper and digital files into a single hub, as physical documents. Companies that...
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Weekly cup of Joe #2 - Documenting Compliance

Weekly cup of Joe #2 - Documenting Compliance

Whether you are freshly minted into the QMS position or you are a founder of a Startup or a product manager with a new project… your strategy requires QMS oversight. qmsJoe is here to guide you through the plethora of information and support you with handy tips & tricks to streamline your way to compliance. Simply...
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Management Through Quality, documenting compliance activities

Management Through Quality, documenting compliance activities

QMS, another layer of management or smart management.  If you’re thinking that a QMS system would be just another layer of management, think again! It’s true that most QMS systems are form-driven. Do an action, fill-a-form. Make a meeting, fill-a-form? The list is endless and if you forget, which is easy to do when deadlines are knocking...
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6 reasons why DM System makes a difference

6 reasons why DM System makes a difference

In today’s modern world there is no space for time-wasting. The challenge of time was best expressed by William Penn when he said, “Time is what we want most, but what we use worst”.  Managing time in a fast-growing business world requires serious sets of skills   The new generation of Document Management Software offers various solutions on a...
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Top 13 plus 1 requested features in a DM Software

Top 13 plus 1 requested features in a DM Software

Successful startups and small businesses understand that although a DMS (Document Management Software) is essential to success it is outright critical for compliance. The top features requested in DM software reflect the growing needs of Startups and Small companies who cannot ignore the increasingly central role a DMS plays in their growth and success – both...
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6 Things Your DM Software Should Have

6 Things Your DM Software Should Have

ISO 12651-2 defines a document as "recorded information or object which can be treated as a unit". Err… Yup!... Got it!... Been treating recorded objects as a unit for, well… forever…   Sometimes you just have to admire their creativity! Compliance requests essentials On the more serious side, we’re still talking compliance and for that, there are 6...
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7 Easiest Ways to Create a Championship Team Through Collaboration

7 Easiest Ways to Create a Championship Team Through Collaboration

“Individuals play the game, but teams win championships” Bill Parcells As in sport, the same rules apply to business. Collaboration is the glue that binds teams. Collaboration is different people executing together on the same issues, cooperatively whether communicating through Chat, Voice, Video or email. But when the business involves regulatory and ISO compliance, the collaboration also...
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