Organizational Roles, Responsibilities, and Authorities – Lecture 5
Lecture summary:
- Top Management is by definition a person or group of people who instruct and control an organization at the highest level (within the scope of the quality management system)
- The requirements on responsibility and authority are divided into two parts: one general and the other relating to people with particular roles
- Each person responsible for elements of the event planning cycle and event operation must be clearly assigned the appropriate role for implementing the sustainable event management system
Organizational structure
The organizational structure is the definition of hierarchy in the organization and relates to the nature of the organization. Through the structure, you need to describe all the functions, roles, and relations in your company. Although there are no specific requirements regarding the documentation of the organizational structure, we strongly recommend you to include an organizational chart in the quality policy. You have to define and describe every role in the organizational structure. And very importantly, every job description must be equivalent to the processes included in your QMS, because it will ensure the effectiveness of process realization.
Job description
While making a job description, you have to include the title of the role, to whom must they report at the end of the day, the responsibility, authorities, etc. While writing descriptions watch out to clearly define roles and responsibilities. What does that mean? It means that for every role it has to correspond to the list of processes included in the QMS. This will ensure the effectiveness of process realization. The job description specifies the daily function of a role and organizes the list of responsibilities and authorities of a specific role.
Of course, each employee needs to know who is responsible for the various components of the QMS. It is necessary for successful implementation. It is recommended to make a list of the main people in the company and their job descriptions, responsibilities, along with an organizational chart as they relate to the QMS, and make it available to all employees.
ISO 9001 standard is setting a certain level of engagement of the top management, and relations between the quality management and the top management.
Management representative
The best practice is that top management appoint a representative on its behalf that will have the authority and responsibility for the QMS in the organization and the following roles regarding the QMS. The management representative has two challenging tasks:
1. To examine the status of the QMS
2. Report it to the top management
Note that representative may be an external responsible body in which the top management has confidence, for example, a consulting company. And of course, it is recommended that the representative have the appropriate background and knowledge of the area, technologies, and nature of the organization and the field of the QMS for which he is responsible.
ISO 9001 implementation: Mandatory documents and records
Continual Improvement and Nonconformity and corrective action – Lecture 24
Management review – Lecture 23